Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let it snow! Let it snow! LET IT SNOW!

It snowed all last night and all day today. Forecast says we can probably see another 18 inches by next weekend. James got out the snow shovel to try to keep up with the snow so he wouldn't be trying to move 2 feet deep snow off the sidewalks and driveway this Tuesday in order for me to get to work. Yep, the snow has flooded our streets so bad that James helped push 3 cars out of it just on our block. James, Rissa, Ian, and mama Cleome are also celebrating tonight cause there is no school tomorrow for EWU students! Can't forget the littlest monkey when it comes to all this snow action.

This is a picture of what the family did with all the snow. James and the boys made the four layer snowman, and Rissa made the snow cave. I spent most of the time in doors making potato soup and jalapeno bread. We truly had a blast today!

...this is how it ended. Hot cocoa, hot baths, and warm snuggle time with Daddy on the couch...perfect

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Finally Someone My Own Size

This cute lil'boy belongs to our good friends Tim and Laura Kyle who we saw last Sabbath in Walla Walla. Peter is only one month older then Alli. He is so full of smiles and giggles that Alli just stares at him all day.

Oh, so precious don't you think? They'll be good back pack'n buddy's someday I just know it.

It's Time to Hibernate

View out our dinning room window. Our roof is not insulated so it makes these beautiful ice-sickles. We are really making a good list of the things that are necessary when it comes to the house we buy when James is done with school.
Hale Cesar Snowman! James ran into the house to get a carrot for his nose, but came back with celery. He had fun giving his snowman hair over his ears...I thought it made the snowman look like Cesar.

Later on that week James had to dig my car out so I could get to work. All together it was about 9-10 inches of snow. Oh, I truly miss the sunshine.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Lazy Days

The only place to set up the Jonny Jumper is on the bathroom door frame. Makes it tricky to jump on both the linoleum and carpet. Alli likes the challenge though.

Mamas clean baby monkey

Morning meeting on the chair. Trying to get the kids out of their PJ's is one of the biggest challenges in the morning. That and trying to get mama out of her PJ's too.