Sunday, March 30, 2008

Snowball fight, Alli Style


We are trying to make the best of our "spring" break by making snowmen and snow ball fights. We would rather be planning BBQ and planting gardens an eating watermelon while running through the sprinklers though. They say it's suppose to snow through Tuesday.

Wes is behind one of our Cans we use to help gather pine needles when doing yard work. All yard work has seized till this crazy weather clears out.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter with the Boys

This was the bounty after the hunt for eggs this last Sunday. The boys also won prizes like stuffed animals, free fries and ice-cream cones, and pizza from Pizza Hut.

Run Boys! Run!

This Easter, our church threw a big community Easter egg hunt. Timmy was in the 0-4 group. He probably should have been in the 5-7 group cause he was faster then all the other little ones when it came to picking up the eggs.

When I had left Wes to do his hunt, I had given him a basket like Timmy's. But when I went to go check up on him, he had a grocery bag in his hands. Good thing for him cause his bag was full of Easter eggs.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alli and Grandpapa Reid

...just shortly before we left back up to Spokane, we took a moment to soak up the sun and some luv'n from the puppy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alli and Peters Chariot ride

"Peter, knock it off, Mommas taken a picture I have to look good for it!" Alli exclaims.

"Aww, Dad I was just gett'n her good. It was just start'n to get on her nerves" Peter sighs.

"It's about time. This is when they are the most precious." the mommas proclaim.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Alli's Crawl'n!

Alli started crawl'n a week ago. Weston ran into the kitchen and said, "Momma! Alli's crawling!" "Yes monkey I know she try's, shes almost there, huh," I replied. He insisted I go see, so I slowly made my way to the living room to see her up on all fours making way to one of Westons dinosaurs. ...sometimes I should believe the stories the boys tell me,huh