Friday, April 18, 2008

Timmy's 4th Birthday

I was up till 12 o'clock at night frosting this cake. Timmy asked me for a Spider man cake, so, this is what was created in his honor. It was a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Rissa gave me some decorating utensils to help create this image. I used the picture of Spider man on the boy's toothpaste bottle to guide me. Not bad for an old mom like me, huh.

Frosting on the candles is the best!

Openig Gifts

We had about 30 people show up half were children. There was more then enough food. I was eating potato salad for days.

The boys both got Light Sabers. They have been asking for one each weekend they come. They also got transformers, took awhile for the adults to "transform" them into cars an robots. The boys just find it easier to take them apart, lol

More Birthday Fun

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Best Sister Ever!

The 27th of last month was one of the worst days I had in a long time. I took my boards for the 2nd time. I again had all 265 questions, which is the max you can get. When it came down to the last 15 questions, I only had 7 min. remaining on the clock. The last 10 questions were literally randomly made answers. When I got up from that test, which was 6 hours later, I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I cried the whole way home, and when I got home I just collapsed in my husbands arms. I hadn't cried that hard in a long time, and to top it off I had to go to work.
Yesterday I got on the Internet to check if by miracle I had passed. When I logged on the department of health website with my info it read Michelle R Pettett Active RN. I was in such disbelief that I had to call Rosanna to confirm that active actually meant I passed. I again cried so hard, but tears of joy. I could not have passed with out the Grace of God. I took two 10min breaks during that test in which I just prayed that God wouldn't leave me. I felt like He wasn't there during that test, but the score shows that He was there the whole time.
My wonderful sister sent me these beautiful flowers that just goes to show how truly blessed I am from those who love me.