Saturday, June 14, 2008

Guess Who's Walking!

Last Sabbath my family decided to attend the South Hill SDA Church. There were 3x as many children then the church in Cheney, and they informed us that UCA was having their graduation so classroom size was small. Alli had 16 other playmates in her class, and the majority of them were walking. When we went home, it wasn't long before we saw the fruits of peer pressure. Alli had taken 21 steps in a row by that evening!

My Pretty Lil'Flowers

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our Garden

We are now enjoying the fruits of our labor. Only radishes and spinach for now, but soon it will be green beans, carrots, snow peas, zucchini, peppers, and beets. My corn, broccoli, an lettuce were eaten by worms, so we'll try a different method next time.