Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to make a 3D Dino Cake

Pull out your Betty Crocker cookbook and follow the recipe for Double Chocolate cake.
Let the kids lick the utensils

Let your perfectionist husband do the cutting and allow his creative engineering/carpenter skills to go the work.

Let all who have patience and muscles to do the tedious texturizing...notice I'm not in the picture.

And then pray that his head will be the only thing that falls apart. Hope that the kids will find him delicious....then be thankful God answers prayers.

Weston's 6th Birthday

It was definitely one of the most jammed-packed, entertaining birthday parties I've ever been to. Weston invited 6 friends and their families over to our home, along with James's family, to help celebrate. James came up with games, Rissa brought some finger food for snacking, and Cleome made conversation with the parents. Nate spent some time outdoors with all the kids playing soccer. Some kids took pleasure in climbing our Maple tree and swinging on the swing that hangs from it's branches.

Weston would ask me every 10 minutes "Momma, can I open my presents yet?" I liked holding him in suspense, so my reply was always "Soon baby, I promise it will be soon."
Finally! We got to eat the green Dinosaur!
And once you load them all with sugar, you send them all in the living room for a quick game of balloon stomp.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumkin Patch

Weston's and Timmy's school had an outing to the corn maze. I, unfortunately, had to work, so James had all the fun. The boys could not wait to tell me all about it when I got home...and Alli too in her own precious way.

Lifes Secret

Saturday, October 11, 2008

They Grow So Fast

I pulled out Alli's baby book the other day to catch up on all her developmental accomplishments she has had these past few months. I am really having a hard time remembering when most things accrued. She is growing so fast and becoming so smart, I can't keep up.
She can grab her bib off of the back of her high chair, run to the dish washer to grab her favorite eating utensil, and then climb up into her high chair all in less then 30 seconds when you tell her "Alli, it's time to eat" It's amazing! ...that's just one of her amazing skills that tells you just how fast she's growing.
Most of you already know that the boys, Weston and Timmy have been here for two full weeks now, and we are really hoping and praying that it becomes something permanent. Talk about growing fast, I remember changing Timmy's diapers and reminding Wes to not wipe his mouth on his shirt when he eats. Now these boys help me set and clear the table, do dishes, laundry, and put clothes away. We bring our handful of penny's to the table to help Wes with his math and review word flashcards throughout the day. I really think Timmy will be ahead of the game due to his eagerness to join in on the learning experience.
I love being a mom. My kids are so precious, I count my blessings as being one that gets to experience their love as only a child could give, pure and innocent. Singing songs, and praying with them at night has got to be my favorite part of the day. Their is nothing more sweet then to hear my 4 year old sing...

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, then to trust and obey"