Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving at Mom's House

That turkey was literally hand picked from Rissa. She has the before picture of the turkey, feathers, feet, head included, but it is just a little weird for me to post his "preexistence" photo.

It was hard for my oldest son to choose which dessert to eat, so I gave him a little of everything. Isn't that what you do on Thanksgiving?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caramel Apples

It's hard to get just the right ratio of caramel to apple when you've got such a small mouth, but that's what makes them so fun to eat.

Timmy, on the other hand, found a more logical approach to the whole caramel apple eating thing and has come up with the wedge way of eating the delicious, juicy, sweet, gooey treats.

The thought of sinking my teeth into one of them was so overwhelming I couldn't help myself.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

I have to admit, I hate Halloween. All the "ghost n goblins" dead-comes-alive, icky gory stuff is not my thing. However, I do like dressing up. Since I'm too old for trick-or-treating, I love the excitement my kids get when they get to dress up. They like to pretend to be some kind of hero with super human powers to "fight the bad guy" ,and then get rewarded with candy from door to door. I love it when the boys pretend to be "super hero's" from the bible like Daniel or David. I pray that mine and James's influence will impact the kids to keep their eyes on Jesus to become real live super hero's...something this world is desperate for. ....James's favorite part of Halloween, can you guess? It's raiding the cookie jar full of candy.