Sunday, April 19, 2009

Timmy's 5th Birthday

He asked for it. Another pinata b-day party. What kid doesn't like pulverising something with a stick especially when you get candy for all the work. attempt at making the Transformers logo face.

Weston asked me this morning why his birthday can't be in the spring time so he can have outdoor parties. I share his grief, as my birthday is right smack in the middle of winter. Our family is looking forward to having a home with an extra family room that James and I can host sleep overs and fun indoor party activities for our children. I pray that time will be soon. Just waiting for the open door.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Look Whos Riding 2 Wheels!

This was a week ago. He's getting better and better each time I see him ride. Has no problem keeping up with Wes and the other kids on the block.

Easter Sunday '09

Thanks Pam for those delicious rice crispy bird nests...

The boys, Colby, Weston, and Timmy, each had their own little hunt when it came time to gather eggs. James hide three secret black eggs that the boys eagerly looked for to win the prize of a Transformer. This is a picture of Wes with his dino transformer.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sabbath Fun

Our friends Pam and Don and their three children invited us out for a kayak ride in the Columbia river. The kids had a blast. We are so excited we found a family who loves the outdoors as much as we do. We have already planned camping trips, hiking, and fishing trips with the canoe with them this spring.

The Church had a family bike ride planned at the park as well. This is our friend Tom show'n off his moves on his unicycle : ).

My Timmy Shea does know how to ride a two wheel bike! Yeah!...but he does have some minor difficulty starting off on his own and keeping a steady pace. He's only been riding a 2 wheel for 2 days now. So, for this bike ride, our friend Gordon hooked up his 3rd wheel to his bike and pulled Timmy along. Timmy thought it was soo cool.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Celebrating the Small Stuff

Finally! A warm sunny day, not a hint of a breeze, just the warmth of the sun that penetrates deep down to your bones. Today I worked up a sweat, isn't that crazy!? It feels like it's been forever since I worked up a sweat from playing in the sun. I have been teaching Timmy how to ride a bike. Wes was 4 years old when we taught him. It took us almost 2 day to where we could get him to ride off on his own for about 5 seconds without crashing. Wes would get frustrated, but he was determined to learn. Timmy I thought would be easier. Not to say Wes was tough, but Timmy catches on pretty quick to new things, trying to keep up with his brother. But for some reason he really gets impatient with himself when it comes to riding a 2 wheel bike. I even start off with a little pep talk to Timmy saying " Baby, it's not easy learning to ride a bike, and there will be times you will fall, but you are my smart strong boy and I know you can do it" ...10 minutes later he's ready to through in the towel. That's when my super duper mother skills really come into play. This is when you really hype-up the small stuff. My couching skills turn into " Timmy Shea! Did you see what you just did! You kept the bike up, riding on your own for three whole seconds! (As Wes cheers him on, "See Timmy, I knew you could do it"! ) Timmy was very proud of himself. After about 20 min. we took a break so it would be more of a fun event instead of him feeling like I was pushing him too hard. Tomorrow is a new day with new things to learn, I hope it's a nice one too. We will update you with pictures of Timmy's success in the future.