Monday, July 27, 2009

James 30th B-day

Mom made James a chocolate Reese's peanut butter cup cake. YUM! I lit the candles in the house but when I went through the sliding glass door all but 3 of the candles went out, lol

We had quite a number of children come, of course we had to throw out the slip-n-slide, no summer party is complete without water play.

...or playing a game of Frisbee. I bought James a Bocce ball set, although for some reason I didn't get any pictures of us playing. Thanks to all 25 of friends and family making this special for Jamee

Monday, July 20, 2009

More of Alli

Pro Photos

I found a photographer that took 114 pictures of Alli, James, and I and did "antique" look to some of the photos. We have a CD full of wonderful pictures like the ones above.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

Thank you momma Cleome for making this delicious carrot cake for Alli!

Alli not only had her own serving, but went around the family taste testing everyone elses cake.

Then we made it to Christine's Birthday party and stuffed our faces with DELICIOUS Indian food and cake.

Ahhhh, it was so wonderful to listen to our friend Milo play the guitar, giving praise to Jesus, as we closed the Sabbath day. I miss all my friends in Walla Walla even though I'm only 45min away.

And then there is nothing like laying in the grass on the VA hospital hilltop watching the firework's being lit right in front of you. Curled up next to my husband, hearing my baby girl ohh and aww over the sight....what a great weekend.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Alli is TWO!

Momma got her a tricycle for her birthday. More to come as this weekend we will celebrate her birthday.