A really good friend from work gave me this Tigger costume. When I brought it home Timmy loved it. It also has a noise maker in the paw, tigger voice. I loved it cause I knew it would keep him warm...and adorable.

Isn't she so cute! The costume is a caterpillar, but she also looks like a bee. Daddy carried her most the time while trick-r-treat'n. Trying to keep up with her brothers who ran from house to house was exhausting.

Weston saw one of those blow-up spiders you put in your yard for Halloween and told me that's what he wanted to dress up as. So, this is my attempt at replicating the spider. He LOVES it. He would have slept in it if I had let him. But, he is wearing it today. I figure he can wear it till one of those legs rips open, then it's going in the trash.
Sorry, my camera ran out of juice so pictures are a little blurry.