Monday, February 22, 2010

Healthy Living

For my birthday, James bought me a long desired for vegetarian cookbook. I want my kids to have home cooked meals, which they already do, but I'm needing more variety. This was the first meal I made for lunch. It is Italian sauce with veggies and ricotta cheese, veggie crumble, and a Italian biscuit topping with mozzarella and olives. It was a good one, but their all time favorite is tortellini soup with blue cheese biscuits, which I didn't get a picture of.

The weather has been incredible down here. We decided to spend the Sabbath day on the river by where James grew up on the farm. We had lots of fun exploring. The boys climbed "mountains" attempting to catch wild beasts, "lizards", and see who could make the biggest splash in the water. Weston told me he wishes he could live there so he could do that everyday. I know that stung a chord in James' heart as he wish to give his boys a similar situation comparable to his upbringing. I got to walk alone with Timmy as James, Alli, and Wes explored the hill tops. Timmy likes adventure, but sometimes leans towards the low key side of exploration. In our walk he tells me, "Mom, I want to be a missionary when I grow-up." I reply, "When you grow-up?! Timmy, Jesus wants you to be one now." It was an awesome conversation as I told him how being a missionary didn't mean you had to travel to Africa. He also inquired in to the idea of being baptized. I love it! Oh, Lord I pray that as he grows the bad influences of this world don't keep him from having a heart pure for God, and that the desires of his heart will not be moved.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One More Year

One more year. I really don't like adding years to the ones I already have, but I really don't get a choice. It's sometimes hard to figure out what to do on my birthday. Skiing? Hot Tubbing? Snow shoeing? Ahh, that's about it. But, this year my awesome husband made it special. For three weeks he had been planning me a surprise party. Family traveled down, and tons of my friends from Walla Walla, and here in Tri-Cities, came to celebrate. I had no clue! Didn't see this one coming, he was that good. The food was excellent. Of course, it was Thai. And the laughter and fun lasted till the wee hours of the morning. I would love to show you pictures, but I was unprepared. If I knew I was gonna have a party, I would have remembered it, hehehe.