Monday, November 29, 2010

Our NEW Christmas tree

When I married, I inherited all the hand-me-down Christmas decorations. It served it's purpose well but, every time I decorated the tree I felt it looked like something straight out of a Charlie Brown Christmas cartoon. So this year I decided to make it the year our family gets beautiful new decorations of our own. I chose gold, silver, copper, and a deep red for the colors. I'm hoping for the motivation to make some ornaments with the kids too. I think I'll grab some pine cones from off our tree and glue an almond to it with glitter and feathers to make some more Christmas birds. ...more pictures to come.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

White Thanksgiving

The snow was great for making this snowman. Nate and James assembled him for me. Nate even got the tree saw out and sculpted his round physique. James gets the credit for giving him buck teeth.

Rissa and Kelvin. Don't you wish sometimes you were that small so someone could pull you around?

The snow fortress. Made for an awesome snow ball fight experience.

My silly girl.

Thanksgiving was great this year. We all made it together. The food was great. We definitely didn't lack pumpkin pie as there were 5 all together. I experimented on the turkey this year. I made a sage citrus brine and soaked the turkey in it for 2 days. It was really delicious. I think I lost 4 hours of sleep the night before thinking I ruined the turkey. But, all enjoyed it and even some said it was one of the best turkeys they've had. That was so awesome to hear. Some of the leftover turkey is going to make green enchiladas tomorrow, =).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall time fun

I really love this tree that's on the side of our home. The vibrant colors make it look like its on fire. The seed pods turn a deep red too accentuating the look.
We have racked the leaves twice now. I look up in the huge maple tree and see we will yet be racking a least another two times. Today was beautiful as the boys and I racked in our tee shirts. Can't believe its November.

This is the canal above our house. We like to walk down it often. It wraps around the hill. You can look out over the Tri-Cities in some places. The kids and I had fun cracking open rocks to see the different layers and sparkles inside. The trail ends at a park just a block from our home.

This is Alli and her bestest friend who lives just a couple houses down. They are just 4 days apart. They are adorable to play with. I made the girls some pink play dough to play with.

Love this Japanese maple. It grows by our front door. Our large living room windows frame it's beauty. Love to gaze out the window to see the sunlight glisten on the leaves.