Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So many things to update you about, but little time. My tummy has been growing and growing with lots and lots of movement. We are all getting excited about baby boy coming to join our family. In the mean time, we are all busy preparing for our new addition and loving life. Timmy lost his first tooth! There's a funny story here. Timmy was out in the car munch en on a honey stick I picked up for the kids at a health food store. He was trying to get every last drop out of the straw by running his teeth on it from bottom to the top. On his last effort to grab the last drop, out popped his tooth. James snapped a photo of him and the tooth before putting it into a ziploc for the tooth fairy. Well, the tooth fairy never made it that night. James and I were exhausted and forgot all about it! Poor Timmy awoke with the tooth still under his pillow. James made up a quick story about how sometimes the tooth fairy works over time and sometimes doesn't get to all the teeth in the world. He convinced Timmy to leave the tooth under the pillow till he got home from school. Poor Timmy. Not the best tooth fairy experience, but he got $5 which is more then a "big shiny quarter" which is what I got as a kid.

One of my best-est friends came down from Idaho with her family and visited us for the weekend. The first day I invited 20+ people over for vespers and homemade taco soup. It was so nice seeing everyone. The next night, which required some "teeth pulling." My friends husband seems to have a hard time doing things separate from his wife. But, we managed to make our get away to the nail spa and get a pedicure. Oh, it felt so good on my poor swollen feet. Then we headed over to the Thai restaurant with two other girlfriends of mine. It was delicious! We then headed back to my house and ended the night with ice cream and a chick flick. It was so much fun. Every girl needs this at least once a month.
That Sunday James and Nate made their way to White Pass. They had so much fun. The snow was great, and the weather beautiful. Wish my husband could do this more often. Need to get the boys out to the ski hill. Looks like we'll save such plans for next year cuz spring is now in the air. Whew Hew!