Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Month with Ginger

To help her learn to not jump up on the kids, and get some exercise, I tied a string to the tail of an old stuffed animal toy. She loves to run and chase it.

We took her on a walk without a leash. This pup is amazing. She kept right with her "pack", and didn't wander. She loves her people.


Christmas 2011

Just a small hand full of the family gathered at our home this year. James' sister Clover had her baby a few days before Christmas, so the other half of the family went to Belingham. I missed the traditional big Christmas gathering, but we had big surprises for the kids that made this year a good one.

On Christmas eve we surprised the kids with a new puppy. Wes an Timmy have been asking for a puppy for years. Their kindergarten teacher informed me that they have been asking God for a puppy at prayer time. I knew I wanted to get them a puppy, but timing was essential. Now that Weston is 9 and more responsible he can help raise a puppy. His tender heart and love for Ginger, our new pup, is priceless. She has bonded to the family well, and can't stand being apart from any of us. She was easy to potty train, and sleeps with the boys in their room. She is very loyal and loving.

Before I brought her home, I asked Weston a question. I asked him if he had the choice of having all the presents under the tree or having a brand new puppy, what would he choose. It took him a couple seconds to answer, but he then said, "A puppy, I always wanted a puppy."

And now we have a Red hair-green eyed baby girl...=)