This was a fun birthday. Our neighbor also has a little girl whose birthday is 4 days after Alli's. So, her mom an I decided this year to combine the two together. Since the weather had been nice, and we expected nothing less on the party day, we plannned an outdoor get together. Our back yard is big and green with kiddie pool, slip-n-slide, sprinklers, and tree house. But, about an hour before the party began, it decided to rain. So much for those plans. However, we all had a blast making it work inside. For starters, we played a couple rounds of musical chairs.
I think the balloon stomp was a hit! To hear all the laughter and squeels combined with balloons popping is exciting! We definetly worked up our appetites for cake and ice cream.
Our cakes turnned out quite nice. Claires mom is a fantastic cook and decorator. Her cake is on the right. Mine was pretty stressfull sice I ran out of frosting and had to make more. Then it was too soft to work with, so I skipped making the flowers and butterflys, and went with candy beads. It worked though, =)...not sure what Claire was upset about, but she quickly recovered.
Weather cleared up enough for us to take a dip in the water.
Stinker Alli blew a bubble right in Claires face...she thought it was pretty funny, Claire didnt seem to think so though.
Big brother, little brother. I've been feeding James well, =) Nate can feel the diffence I have made in James' life.
The "big" kids decided to pick on James by squirting him with the water guns. James got'em back.
...I love the mysterious finger
And this is me and my neighbor Jen. Smiling to the close of an awesome birthday!