September 2013, we headed north to attend Clover and Eddie's 2 day wedding extravaganza. They held the ceremony and festivities on a cute little farm just north of Bellingham WA. Their theme was Circus like, with professional circus performers, a tent of lights, and even a french fry stand. Most of the guests stayed in tents assembled on a field full of grass, making it a weekend full of wonderful socializing activities.
Weston, my wonderfully curious-big hearted-helper son, LOVED the french fry stand. And the guy who ran it, River, thought it was awesome Wes wanted to get involved. Wes is a natural giver. Making these french fries for others, watching people enjoy what he made, was priceless. I kid you not, Wes made french fries till the last potato was gone. He would go around the crowd asking people, "Can I make some fries for you?" and when he found a customer, he would race back to make it for them. Ask Wes what the best part of the weekend was, hands down, it was making fries.
Whats nice about being with lots of people? It's the variety of friends and cousins to play with. And, the aunties who give free wagon rides.
Nothing like an outdoor movie, especially when its The Princess Bride. My favorite is hearing people mimic the voices, and repeat the famous quotes along with the movie. "Inconceivable!" and "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, now prepare to die." is in the air
What a beautiful day for a wedding. And the big red barn, that was gorgeous.
Eddie made their arbor. It was beautifully decorated with big vibrant flowers.
Wouldn't be a circus without the face painting, right? Love my little Timmy the tiger.
And no wedding is complete without some death defying tricks to terrify the audience. See that crate full of eggs under the guy on the table? Yeah, that's what he was trying not to break. Forget about the board full of nails on his chest, and the two people who are about to stand on it, that's cake, pffft.
And now for a hair raising experience, lets put the bride an groom in the middle of some flame trowing jugglers. Whew, that was crazy close! So much fun! The people were great, the food was outstanding, and the entertainment priceless. We ended the night with a large bonfire and dancing to some awesome music provided by the DJ. We loved it all, and thank Clover an Eddie for letting us take part on their journey as Mr an Mrs Happily Ever After.