Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weston's 5th Birthday

We invited the Aunts, Uncles, and Grandma an Grandpas down for some homemade Salmon Chowder and dinner rolls. Grandma Pettett brought some potato and Caesar salad to add to the smorgasbord

Aunt Nerissa made Wes his birthday cake this year. Shes got quite the imagination. Wes loved it and requested the Dinosaurs head when it came time for cake and ice cream.

Go figure that the best toys came from the dollar store. Nothing beats the punching ball balloons. Grandma also made Wes new PJ's. They are quite colorful as you can tell, but that is what he requested. Colorful with footie's.

Alli sat on the side lines while daddy taught Wes and Timmy how to play Tee-ball
Timmy up to bat

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall in the Works

The boy's Aunts love to bring surprises when they come to see them. With Halloween just around the corner the boys get to enjoy acting out their favorite super hero's due to the great deals found at the Good Will for old costumes. Wes Loves this costume so much that he puts it on and wears it all day long, even sleeps with it. He just doesn't understand why mamma wants him to take it off when its time to leave for church. Timmy does have a really great ninja costume, but his all time favorite is grandmas homemade purple blanket which now serves his imagination as Superman's cape....who says superman can't be colorful
Ohh the joys of fall weather. Not only do the leaves change to an array of beautiful colors on the trees, but they also turn my green grass yellow. That Sunday the boys racked up the leaves and jumped in the huge hill of yellow to celebrate their succes of hard labor. To bad I wasn't there to get some awesome pictures. We ended up with 15 33 gallon bags of leaves and there is still more leaves on our Maple tree taunting us.

Alli talk'n with Daddy

Need Prayer

You know, 3 years ago if you would have asked me what my future looked like, or what I expected it to be, I probably wouldn't have imagined it end up with me being married with two step children and a little girl created from my womb. I never would have guessed that my major role would be a domesticated house wife. But I will tell you that in this present role I have never found a more fulfilling part to play in this game of life. I love my three children that God has given them to me. Whether they have come from my womb or through the marriage to a terrific husband, I am truly blessed. And it seems that when I am in these blissful moments that Satan comes to destroy what matters most to me. James and I are struggling to keep regular visitation with the two boys. His ex wife is making it as difficult as possible with new weekly oppositions that arise on what is said to be best for the children. In these types of battles I need the help of my friends and family. Our most powerful avenue is to unite in prayer. I believe this is more then just a battle between the two households, but a fight against the enemy of Gods children. Wes told me in the car yesterday that his mom no longer takes him to church and he misses it. I know that James and I are not perfect parents, but we try to eencourage the children to have their own personal relationship with God by taking them to Sabbath school and praying with them before they lay their precious heads down to rest at night. I love this family more then I ever imagined I could love. Please unit with me in asking our Father in Heaven to take control of this situation for the children's sake, and to send a miracle that will glorify His name.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cuddle Time

It's been cold up here in Cheney. Some nights hit below freezing. Even when it's 65 degrees in our home, I still like to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket. But the best source of warmth comes from my daughter Alli.
She's grow'n! We are now out of newborn clothes, and trying to fit into 3 month clothes. A lil'big yet but she'll get there.
Rissa likes to play dress-up with Alli as seen in this picture. I think she was going for "lil Russian Girl". Thanks to James old navy snow hat, she just might pull it off.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More of Ellensberg Camping

This was our breath taking view we woke up to each morning.
After four nights in the woods, this is the happy campers ready to "make like a cow patty an hit the trail" bake home to a hot shower
There is noth'n like fish'n in your shirt an whitey tighties when your in the Mountains
Warm mud in your toes an hands...therapy for the soul
"Hey Mamma, I think the mud is on places of my body I din't even know existed"

Monday, October 1, 2007

Ellensberg Hike

At only 8 weeks old, we were able to keep Alli warm by layering her with fleece...double fleece in this picture thanks to daddy.
The boys don't look so happy in this picture, but I asure you they had a blast. There were 9 of us all together including James's brother in law's sister who brought her 9 month old little boy. Poor guy cuz he was in the teething stage and was cutt'n his 2nd tooth by the 3rd night. I have pictures of Timmy and Wes in their whitey-tighties playing in the mud...they were anything but white. For some reason I can't seem to find'em. I'll post them when I find them

Alli Did so well with these Photo shoots...shes so beautiful

Here We Be

Hello friends and family! So, with all the exsiting family moments I thought it would be really cool to make a blog for us to share some of our highlights in our lil world. Let me know what you think.