Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weston's 5th Birthday

We invited the Aunts, Uncles, and Grandma an Grandpas down for some homemade Salmon Chowder and dinner rolls. Grandma Pettett brought some potato and Caesar salad to add to the smorgasbord

Aunt Nerissa made Wes his birthday cake this year. Shes got quite the imagination. Wes loved it and requested the Dinosaurs head when it came time for cake and ice cream.

Go figure that the best toys came from the dollar store. Nothing beats the punching ball balloons. Grandma also made Wes new PJ's. They are quite colorful as you can tell, but that is what he requested. Colorful with footie's.

Alli sat on the side lines while daddy taught Wes and Timmy how to play Tee-ball
Timmy up to bat

1 comment:

flowre said...

I love that you are posting pictures of everyone! I am sad I missed Weston's birthday party. Tell Nerissa I think her cakes were great.
