Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Pettett Style

So, I know that these pictures are really blurry, but the idiot picture taker (me) forgot to take the camera setting off night time setting- which makes the exposure longer-thus the blurriness. But, Thanksgiving was greeeaatt! We had 21 people stuck in our home, 7 pies, 2 turkey, and you name it, it was there. It was my mini version of the banquet table we sit at when we get to Heaven.

Some of the yummy pies...
Zack, Brook's brother, had a great time entertaining the boys...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Growling Baby Bear

Alli talk'n with Daddy. She's now started to growl instead of's quite funny.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I Found Big Foot! In fact, I married him! These are my husbands size 14 snow shoe along side my size 6. They are so enormously huge that Rissa does her leg exercises with them to build muscle.

We woke up this morning to our grass sprinkled with snow, like powdered sugar on daddy's famous crepes. The boys made a bee line after breakfast just to play in it. It was only 10 seconds after they made it out the door when I heard Timmy screaming, "I'm tell'n mama on you Wes!!" I got up and went to the back door to see what was the matter. When I opened the door there was Timmy with big alligator tears streaming down his face and stomp'n his feet telling me Wes had hit him with a snowball. I looked at Wes and he just had this big "Innocent but guilty" look on his face. I said well Timmy you just need to make a snowball and hit him back. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, Timmy said YA! and ran down the steps to do just that. I looked at Wes and he was excited that he now had Timmy to share in the "friendly" game of snowball fight. Unfortunately Wes had to make snow balls for both him and Timmy. Timmy didn't quite get the whole snowball making method down. But he was happy to do it even if it meant scraping the log for snow before the sun melted it away.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanksgiv'n here yet!!

Alli, loves her swing. Especially when shes got her brothers in front of her entertaining her. Shes been really drooly lately. Maybe it's teething season. So to keep her from soaking her shirt mama puts a bib around her neck.
She loves floor time play. This play toy contraption is suppose to hang over her head for her to swat at, but she scoots herself up just far enough to grab it and take a taste...mmm, fuzzy animal

"Awe..sweet have no hair, and no teeth, but you are one of the most beautiful things to enter my world" ,Love mama

See what a spoiled brat I am!! I am truly loved. Great kids and a husband who dares to clean those stinky dishes. Who said men aren't useful