Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanksgiv'n here yet!!

Alli, loves her swing. Especially when shes got her brothers in front of her entertaining her. Shes been really drooly lately. Maybe it's teething season. So to keep her from soaking her shirt mama puts a bib around her neck.
She loves floor time play. This play toy contraption is suppose to hang over her head for her to swat at, but she scoots herself up just far enough to grab it and take a taste...mmm, fuzzy animal

"Awe..sweet have no hair, and no teeth, but you are one of the most beautiful things to enter my world" ,Love mama

See what a spoiled brat I am!! I am truly loved. Great kids and a husband who dares to clean those stinky dishes. Who said men aren't useful


Laura said...

I love the picture of Alli on the pink blanket!! :) So cute! And yes, husbands can be very helpful - fortunately we snagged some good'uns.

flowre said...

How did you get James to do the dishes? Wow, that is amazing! Alli is looking cuter by the day. I can hardly wait to see everyone for Thanksgiving.
