Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Table Story

Before James and I were married, he had mentioned to me that he was inheriting a large oak table from his step dad. He told me that it had six chairs and an extension piece that could allow eight to ten people to dine comfortably. I was excited! Who wouldn't be, I mean those kinds of tables go for a couple thousand dollars. He did, however, forget to mention the condition of the chairs. These chairs have been through 9 children with pets. In the above picture, I am pointing at a clean patch of fabric I cut from the underside of the chair, while wearing the repulsed look of how I really felt about my chairs. I wish I would have got a picture of the worst chair. It had holes in the corners. Way past the point of using Resolve cleaner to fix the problem.

So, with enough whining for the whole year, I was able to motivate the family in reupholstering the chairs. My dead line was Thanksgiving. Once we bought the expensive fabric, we then began the gruelling work of pulling apart the chairs. The way the factory put them together was awful for the person who wanted to reupholster later on. The bottoms contained at least 150 staples, and the tops about 300. It took me about an hour an a half to take apart one chair. I then took them all to James moms house, including the top to my ceder chest, cause mom is the expert at this kind of stuff. Poor mom, she literally worked all day and was able to complete 5 of the 6.

Yes, even the husband joined in the fun...doesn't he look like he's having fun?
And this is our finished product. I'm so happy! Now I can host and not be so ashamed of my chairs. What do you guys think?


Laura said...

WOW - that is indeed a transformation!! Good work - you must be a good motivator - if only I had your skills, maybe the garage would be clean and organized by now! hehe

Vicente said...

The following is a response to the "chair" picture...
Have you had a stroke lately Raeanne? Your picture eludes to you having suffered one.