Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keeping Busy

Our goal is to teach Timmy how to ride a two wheel bike this summer. He's 4 and that is the age Weston learned to ride a big boy's bike. But look closely at those scuffed up knees and that will tell you this job isn't easy.

Reading to your children is so important. Daddy is a strong believer of this and takes advantage of opportunities to take the kids to the library. James is such an awesome father and husband. I have been working full time and he has been taking care of all three children on his own. The amazing part is the house is still clean and kids are well feed. I am beyond blessed to have him as my soul mate.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Awwww -- he's such a good daddy! I'm glad you found him, Rae! :)