Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weston's 6th Birthday

It was definitely one of the most jammed-packed, entertaining birthday parties I've ever been to. Weston invited 6 friends and their families over to our home, along with James's family, to help celebrate. James came up with games, Rissa brought some finger food for snacking, and Cleome made conversation with the parents. Nate spent some time outdoors with all the kids playing soccer. Some kids took pleasure in climbing our Maple tree and swinging on the swing that hangs from it's branches.

Weston would ask me every 10 minutes "Momma, can I open my presents yet?" I liked holding him in suspense, so my reply was always "Soon baby, I promise it will be soon."
Finally! We got to eat the green Dinosaur!
And once you load them all with sugar, you send them all in the living room for a quick game of balloon stomp.


Laura said...

So fun! I love balloon stomp!

Unknown said...

They look like their having a good time. I like the picture of the present opening. It looks like a group activity. Very cute.