Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Rissa's

I think I'll take this moment to explain my daughters attire. Lately her new thing is to roam around the house with just her shirt and diaper. Well actually I thought this was limited to our house only but on Christmas Eve at a friends house she began disrobing in the middle of the room with people all around her, all eyes on her. It was quite hilarious. She was reminded by one of the grandpas who chuckled "it's not that kind of party Alli" On Christmas when Alli "began to make heself at home" her Auntie Becky took one of Kelvin's jammies and wrapped it around Alli after Alli had made several attempts to put it on herself.

A baby Ally for my baby Alli

Christmas Program

Weston, upper left corner dressed in burgundy, was posing as one of the legendary Wise men. We practiced daily for two weeks songs and a poem his class did together. Even though Weston enjoys dressing up in action hero clothing at home, he could not wait to pull off the itchy Wise man costume. Timmy, lower right corner sitting with the other angels, wanted to wear his costume home. His teacher had other plans for it though, but he did get to keep his garland halo, and even requested it for his bedtime toy.

...I did get to sneak back stage with one of the stars of the program.

...Timmy Shea, my precious moments angel.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our new addition to the Family

Weston has been asking for one thing this Christmas, a pet. James and I have struggled with this thought the last few months for a number of reasons. For starters our kids are still very young, the smell of indoor pets, the hair, urine soaked wood chips... I think you get the picture. Grandpa Bill made these little critters an awesome outdoor hutch, so a lot of my "issues" of owning a pet were taken care of. The bunnies are so good, they love to be held, and yet so curious they have their moments of adventure. I bring them inside every once and awhile to let the kids enjoy them. Timmy chose the white bunny and named her Annabell. Weston likes the smaller grayish brownish bunny and has decided to name her precious.