Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Rissa's

I think I'll take this moment to explain my daughters attire. Lately her new thing is to roam around the house with just her shirt and diaper. Well actually I thought this was limited to our house only but on Christmas Eve at a friends house she began disrobing in the middle of the room with people all around her, all eyes on her. It was quite hilarious. She was reminded by one of the grandpas who chuckled "it's not that kind of party Alli" On Christmas when Alli "began to make heself at home" her Auntie Becky took one of Kelvin's jammies and wrapped it around Alli after Alli had made several attempts to put it on herself.

A baby Ally for my baby Alli


redhott said...

I can't tell you how glad I am that you made it up. Christmas would not have been the same without you all (read less good). Alli in that box was the cutest thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for the pictures.

Clover said...

Alli was too cute at Christmas. I think the box the baby came in was her favorite present. I hope she is all better now, poor baby. Keep posting, I love seeing pics of the wee ones!