Sunday, March 22, 2009

Enjoying Spring

There is something extra special about spring when you have children

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Precious Moments Boy

I love cuddle time with all my children, but there is something special when Timmy Shea cruels up in my arms. I take these moments everyday, especially before James and I tuck the children in at night. The picture above captures one of these moments. The sad look on Timmy's face is due to the picture taker (Daddy) telling Timmy it's time for bed. My little cuddle bug and I milk the clock for every moment of sweet luv'n.

I through a last years summer picture in of my little guy to wet your appetite for summer. Living in the Tri-Cities we have some of the sweetest juiciest produce in the nation. Stay tune for captured moments of watermelon grins and slip-n-slid action.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hail Storm, Tri-Cities Style

Weston, my adventurous boy, as soon as he saw the miniature hard snow balls fall he bolted out the door say'n "I wanna know what it feels like"! He didn't stop there. He also got a real good taste, as he ran against the pelting force of the hail. It was an awesome sight.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

20 Months Old

Our baby girl is growing so quick. It's hard to believe her 2 year B-day is just 4 months away. Her personality is really coming alive. Everyday she expresses something new...explores something new. Like for instance in the picture above. Momma left out her make-up and Alli saw an opportunity to practice what she sees Momma do everyday, and then add her own twist to it. I mean why stop at just painting your lips with the lipstick? Why not the cheeks, shirt, pants, and toes? And FORBID that the make-up be taken away from her. We are seeing the the "terrible two's" for the last month now. The fit throwing has become quite dramatic :-). But, her sweet side is definitely developing more and more too. Alli can blow kisses and bring you a blanket for cuddle time on the couch. I'm definitely loving everyday being a momma.