Sunday, March 8, 2009

20 Months Old

Our baby girl is growing so quick. It's hard to believe her 2 year B-day is just 4 months away. Her personality is really coming alive. Everyday she expresses something new...explores something new. Like for instance in the picture above. Momma left out her make-up and Alli saw an opportunity to practice what she sees Momma do everyday, and then add her own twist to it. I mean why stop at just painting your lips with the lipstick? Why not the cheeks, shirt, pants, and toes? And FORBID that the make-up be taken away from her. We are seeing the the "terrible two's" for the last month now. The fit throwing has become quite dramatic :-). But, her sweet side is definitely developing more and more too. Alli can blow kisses and bring you a blanket for cuddle time on the couch. I'm definitely loving everyday being a momma.


Laura said...

Awwww -- thank you for the CUTE pictures and updates! What a sweetie! :) Oh, we know all about the terrible twos and we haven't even reached them yet...woohoo!

redhott said...

I heard about the lipstick incident but it's even better with a picture. I know that you might be sad about your lipstick but I can't help laughing. She is a beautiful baby and so sweet. You must have done something right. I hope to be so lucky.

Clover said...

Weston did Vaseline a hope chest, I would expect nothing less from our dear Allie. I miss you all a lot!