Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Memorial Day Weekend

It was so hard to choose what photos to post! There were so many great moments captured on photo, I just hope you see the smiles on our faces which tell it all. The photo above was taken on our last day at camp which was located near Chinook pass. The boys had so much fun. Weston asked me if we could move there. ...James wore a proud expression from that comment.
Can't pass up those giant logs in our path to climb and conquer!

We visited Boulder Cave. This is the river that runs through it. Beautiful isn't it.

You have to wear your head lamps for this adventure. Aunt Clover bought the boys each their own lamp. Good thing cause I forgot mine back at camp. I took that moment to hold Weston's hand as he guided me through the cave. It was quite the adventure as Weston would frequently search the walls for bats instead of looking at the path. Our shoes were very muddy by the end of the path, hahahaha.

A picturesque moment by the waterfall. There was also a day James and I took a 1/2 hour drive to Mt. Rainier. I regret leaving the camera back at camp. The mountain was BEAUTIFUL! There was still snow banks 8ft tall along the road. We saw many hardcore skiers and snowboarders hiking up the mountain with their gear on their back. Wish I would have know about this, I would have packed the sleds for the kids. We didn't, however, pass up a good'ol snowball fight! We were all feeling a little soggy by the end of the day. There were marshmallow roasts every night, and frequent trips down the road to look for frogs in the local pond. Another great weekend full of wonderful memories.

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