Monday, September 7, 2009

Yard Makeover

This is what the kids and I did early morning while daddy was at the store picking up materials to fix two of our sprinklers and trim our enormous blue spruce.

This Blue Spruce is so large that the back side from about 6ft down is all dead branches. It takes up a good chunk of the yard too. So here is what we plan.

First, James cut down all those dead branches.

Now I have this huge pile of, but those will be towed away to the dump soon. James has planned to build a bench that circles around the base of the tree. We will be planting grass where all those branches are and up to the tree trunk. I guess grass can grow under Blue Spruce pine trees cause there are many in our neighborhood with grass all the way up to the base of the tree. Ah, it will be very beautiful when it's all done.


Unknown said...

Whew! I sure am glad I did the hard part. Now how are you gonna do your part dear and get all those branches out of there.

redhott said...

Very funny James. Did I ever tell you how much that tree look like a christmas tree? What I'm saying is you should snazify it for christmas this year. I volunteer James to hang all the lights!

Unknown said...

No problem. All I need is a ladder. Since I don't have one maybe you can come down here and I can stand on your shoulders.