Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sand Dunes

This photo was taken on our way back. James and I estimated that the hike was about 4 miles round trip. The sand dunes were massive in some places making the hike a great -labor-intensive- excursion. This is why all my children are hiding under this sage brush for a little rest.
Dad taught Wes to run as fast as you can on the sand dune and... jump !!!
The sand was still wet in some places. We of coarse had to take advantage of making sand castles.

Dad found a lizard!

I think this photo beautifully demonstrates the massiveness of the sand dunes.


redhott said...

OMG! Where did you find those sand dunes?! They look awesome. I imagine you have sand all over in you car now. Lol. The lizard is so cute. I'm impressed that Wes managed to catch it.

RaeAnn said...

The place is called Juniper Dunes. And, actually the sand was really easy to brush off, so there was little on our clothes, but the kids shoes were full of it. And, James was the one to find and catch the lizard.