Sunday, April 18, 2010

Timmy's 6th Birthday

We had so much fun! I found some cool outdoor games to play. One of the games was Cat Tails. You take a long piece of cloth, or in this case streamer paper, and attach it to the back of your pants. The object of this game is to stomp on your opponents "tail" and to be the last guy with your tail still attached.
This was a relay race where you pass the balloon down the line and the person on the end has to stuff it up their shirt. First team to get it all in the shirt, without dropping the balloons, WINS!

I feel my creativity is lacking when it comes to making birthday cakes these days. But, Timmy loves his big number six race track with hot wheels race cars. So, I guess that's what really matters.

Opening up the gifts is always the best part of being a kid.

So I asked Timmy what his favorites were so far, and Optimus Prime won hands down.

Timmy's 6th Birthday

The kids had so much fun with this three legged race. We all laughed so hard.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

One of my favorite parts of celebrating Easter is making sweets. Weston really enjoys being in the kitchen with me too. I'm teaching him how to crack eggs and beat them with a hand beater. And of course, whatever it is, if it has sugar in the mix, he wants to lick the bowl.
Coloring eggs is so much fun, but a lot of work when your out numbered.

Easter feast of enchiladas, Mexican pasta salad, homemade bean and avocado dip, and the kids favorite, homemade Mexican rice.

The hunt

We like to get the kids one present a piece for Easter on top of all the candy. Wes and Timmy are really into Bionicle Lego creatures these days, so that's what we got'em. Alli got a new baby doll.