Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

One of my favorite parts of celebrating Easter is making sweets. Weston really enjoys being in the kitchen with me too. I'm teaching him how to crack eggs and beat them with a hand beater. And of course, whatever it is, if it has sugar in the mix, he wants to lick the bowl.
Coloring eggs is so much fun, but a lot of work when your out numbered.

Easter feast of enchiladas, Mexican pasta salad, homemade bean and avocado dip, and the kids favorite, homemade Mexican rice.

The hunt

We like to get the kids one present a piece for Easter on top of all the candy. Wes and Timmy are really into Bionicle Lego creatures these days, so that's what we got'em. Alli got a new baby doll.


Laura said...

Boy, that food looks TASTY. And the activities look FUN. Well done Pettetts. =)

redhott said...

The food had my attention too. Maybe I should get some lunch. It looks warm there. Alli is wearing a t-shirt. I'm glad you're still doing the classic egg coloring with the jars and food color. It is a treasured piece of my childhood and it's good to see it carried on. Too egocentric? Maybe.

Clover said...

No, but it is eggocentric. hahaha. Ok, you're right, not funny :P

RaeAnn said...

You guys are too funny