Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July 2010 Part One

My husband and his friends participated in a cardboard boat race down the Columbia. All these boats are truly made out of cardboard, glue, tape, and paint. One of my favorites is this cuttle fish boat. A dad with his two girls raced down the river. Not very fast, but super adorable.

My husband is the one in the middle in the white boat. The girl with the blue back pack is part of the news team out there video taping it all. Our boys smoked the red boat.

WE MADE 3rd! They're already putting together plans for a faster boat for next year. The guy in the cardboard kayak got first.

1 comment:

Laura said...

That sounds SOOOOO fun!! I'm super jealous, just the kind of cheap thrills we need around here. LOL