Timmy and Weston were actually kidnapped by their Aunt Rissa for the weekend. They made their way up to Bellingham to spend an eventful weekend with their Aunt Clover. They spent time at the beach looking at and petting the wild life there. They had a great time. Upon their arrival home, James an I planned a surprise party for Timmy. All the neighborhood kids came over for a hot dog roast with cake an ice cream. One of the presents Timmy received was from his Uncle Nate. Timmy's been asking for a Long Board (skate board) for a while now, and finally got one. He is actually doing very well on it. We plan, cross our fingers, to take the boys skiing and snow boarding this winter since the boys will be home this Christmas. The Long Boarding skills should help Tim when he begins to learn to snow board. ...it was a good birthday.
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