Our family took a little vacation to the mountains this 4th of July. James and a couple of his siblings with friends went white water rafting too. It was really beautiful. Especially the view from this trail head. It was only about 2miles long, but goodness, I am out of shape. From the top you could see Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Saint Helen's. Rowan was the same age Alli was when we took her on her first camping/backpacking trip. Only 8 weeks old.

Perfect place to eat lunch. Really enjoyed my time with Clover and Eddie who came down from Bellingham to join the fun. They stayed at the campsite with me while the others went rafting. They made it much more enjoyable for me and the kids. I'm looking forward to being an Auntie again once their little bundle of joy enters the world. Rowan and their baby will only be 7 months apart.

Alli was a trooper. She walked the majority of the time up the trail, but coming down she got really tired. Uncle Ian came to her rescue.

Perfect title for this scene.