Monday, July 11, 2011

Alli's 4th Birthday

Oh yeah, we had fun! It has got to be so awesome having a birthday in the summer. My birthday is smack in the middle of winter. I always wanted to some how change my birth date to one of those hot summer days. Playing in the water for a child is just one of the high lights of summer. When I look at the picture above, I can still hear the little squeals.

Bought Alli a little kiddie pool. She and her friends have much fun in it. The little girl next to her is a neighbor just two houses down. Her, Alli, and Claire can create quite to ruckus in the pool.

Alli wanted butterfly cupcakes this year. It wasn't my best creative moments, but the cake was tasty.

Just before we opened presents, Alli went into her room and put on her princess Bell dress. She loves to play dress up. She even received a Cinderella play dress for her birthday, which she wore around the house after the party was over.

This picture says it all for me. That's exactly what I wanted to do after all was said and done. ...precious Rowan baby.

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