Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hike to Jug Lake and Sunrise

 Our first hiking trip definitely told me a couple of things about me and my kids. One, I am out of shape, and two, my kids are excellent hikers. We hiked 5 miles that day. It was a good trail, but about midway it got super steep and rocky.  Had a couple of complaints from the Alli and Wes, but Tim lead the pack with eagerness. So proud of all of them. Even Rowan wanted out of the pack to do his share of hiking.
 Once we got to Jug lake, I striped the kids down to their undies and threw their sweaty little bodies in the lake. There was a small handful of horseback riders that had brought up swimming pool air mattresses to float around on. It was kinda odd to see, but super cool.
No swim diaper here.

 The next day we drove into Rainier park and hiked around Sunrise . Part of the hike was on the famous Wonderland Trail. It was truly beautiful. Again, the kids hiked about 5 miles with Tim leading the pack. We loved the area. Wild flowers galore, streams, lakes, waterfalls, and...
 a herd of mountain goats grazing.
We had a blast with the patches of snow we ran into. Nothing like a snowball fight in August!
This is just one of the many beautiful vallies you'll run across on the trail. The fields of wild flowers smelled amazing.

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