Monday, May 13, 2013

Tim's 9th Birthday Party! The Crood's Theme

Like my saber tooth tiger? It took me a while to figure out what kind of cake I was gonna make for Tim. I saw a step by step plan for a shark head cake and thought I could take those ideas and convert it into the Crood's saber tooth tiger. He is 3D. Hard to tell in the picture, but his mouth is wide open, =) I also spent the night before, sowing leopard and zebra print bandannas for the teams. Hahahha, made me feel so domestic.

This group was a hard one to please. We had lots of games planned, but some didn't want to participate, or were not great in supporting their teammates. So, we played, but it was more of a free for all then organized games. We just rolled with it, and all was good.

 They went for the food challenges, well, all accept for one who told me, "I don't like gummy worms." Wow, that was a first for me. Never met a kid who doesn't like gummy worms topped with whip cream!

Tim loved his cake. He was proud of me, =) Even though this party didn't go as smooth as I had planned, we all had a great time. Tim made out like a bandit. 9 Lego sets, huge Nerf gun, books, and almost $100 in cash! He deserved it though. I am proud of you Tim, you are a fabulous kid!

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