Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Random Trail

The south fork of the McKenzie river has lots of different trails that flow into the forest, all covering beautiful landscape with hidden treasures to seek and find. On our second day of camping we went into the Waldo Lake wilderness.  

There were many waterfalls and flowers along the way.

Can you see Tim off to the right of the picture? This was a challenging cross. It was almost a game of don't touch the lava as we navigated on the rocks and fallen trees.

Love it when one of the kids finds a giant rock to climb and concur. It was just around this bin that Tim spotted a bear. Tim was in the lead on the trail, but came quickly running back to join the family to tell us all about the bear. He was able to only see its tail end, and discovered that the bear was just as scared to see Tim as Tim was to see him, as he darted off into the woods.

This picture of us all makes me laugh. We all look a little awkward, but there was only two photos to choose from. The first one made Weston look like a giraffe eating a sandwich...maybe I should have posted that one, hehee

Wild bleeding hearts? I think this is the first time I have seen these in the wild.

There were many massive trees growing along the trail. Here's my man child standing next to one.

And this is where our journey ended. The trail had been severely washed out. We tried navigating through it in hopes of finding it again, but no such luck.  We were a little disappointed, but happy for another grad adventure together.

Oregon grape is the name of this yellow cluster of flowers.

Little yellow pansies throughout our walk.

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