Monday, January 5, 2009

Alli's Favorite Ride

...How Daddy keeps in shape during the winter months


Laura said...

How fun!! Is she getting red hair?? We obviously need to come visit you guys more often...:)

Unknown said...

Hi James!! I've been wondering about you for the longest time! How are you? This is David Mustard from elementry school! Email me @!! I'd love to catch up. Beautiful baby girl! Congrats!

redhott said...

That is totally awesome. I agree she is a redhead; that lucky baby. She looks so big in this video! I get the feeling that Alli is not the one who tires of this game first.

RaeAnn said...

I love the red hair! The sun hasn't been shining these last few months, it just seems to be getting redder

Clover said...

That is such a cute video! It made me laugh when I watched it. And it is about time we had another redhead in the family! (no pressure, Alli)

Love and miss you guys! -Clover