Saturday, February 21, 2009

Divine Intervention

In essences, I got three for the price of one. James didn't come alone in our marriage. Some women might run at the sight of a divorced man with children. But for some reason the Maker of my heart thought that this was just what I needed. Sometimes our path in life is not an easy slope. And for those who have been following the story of our journey, since the beginning, know this to be true. I have good news though. Yesterday something Divine happened. Something long waited for. Peace has swept over my family like the calm fresh breeze after a storm. Thank you all for your faithfulness in praying over our family. Thank you Jesus for another one of your divine interventions. Now I know what it feels like to breath normal again.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

In a Blink of an Eye

I've been nursing an old injury these last couple days. Most of you can remember my capture-the-flag knee injury that ended with a trip to the ER and 6 bolts and a plate in my left knee. During these colder months it starts giving me arthritic pain. This last Friday I was limping around work and when I got home I could barely straighten or bend my knee, as if rigamortis set in. It was terribly swollen. I stretched a knee brace over it which did help.
The next day I did attend church with my family. I was still somewhat limping but it was not as painful as the day before. After church service I filled my arms with the kids sabbath activity bag, coats, purse and Alli and headed for the car to drop some of the items off. By the time I got to the car my knee began to scream at me at the same time Alli was kicking and squirming to get down. I set her down and opened the car door to throw the items in the car. One second later Alli made a beeline across the parking lot heading straight for a car that was backing up. I started to scream for her and then noticed that the driver of the car wasn't even looking backwards to see where he was going! Shear terror hit my chest as I saw Alli two feet away from the bumper of the moving vehicle. I scream Stop! Stop! While waving my arms and limping as fast as I could towards Alli. I think I made such a seen that the driver stopped the car abruptly just in time for Alli's chest to hit the back bumper. If he would have kept going his back passenger side tire would have ran right over her. I swooped her up in my arms and just began to cry.
Alli was, of coarse, completely oblivious to what just happened. She just looked at me confused and then hugged me back. That day the thought of those little kid leash things didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Time with Extended Family

These rabbits have really turned out to be cool pets. Their fur is so long I don't worry about them freezing outside in their little home, as I'm not a fan of animal's living inside my home. We often let them run around the yard and the boys love feeding them snacks such as celery. They are so cuddly, they love laying in your lap, even on their long as you have a tasty treat in your hand.

Grandpa Bill and Alli. She loves finding a willing soul to read her a story.

The boys with their great grandfather. They also suckered him into reading them a story, and in return they educated him about Star wars toys.

Momma's Cowgirl

This is Weston's rocking horse now passed down to Alli. All three of them take turns, for as you can see it's no small horse. Alli has to stand on the base and jump up on her tummy and then pull and wiggle her way on. This girl really has no fear when it comes to rocking. I still get scared she's gonna face plant right into something.