In essences, I got three for the price of one. James didn't come alone in our marriage. Some women might run at the sight of a divorced man with children. But for some reason the Maker of my heart thought that this was just what I needed. Sometimes our path in life is not an easy slope. And for those who have been following the story of our journey, since the beginning, know this to be true. I have good news though. Yesterday something Divine happened. Something long waited for. Peace has swept over my family like the calm fresh breeze after a storm. Thank you all for your faithfulness in praying over our family. Thank you Jesus for another one of your divine interventions. Now I know what it feels like to breath normal again.
Rae you are the best!
I know you're not the only one breathing a sigh of relief, Rae. I'm so happy for you and the boys. And I look forward to spending more time with you all in the future. I think that spring might come sooner to you than it will to me and I need the sunshine.
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