Monday, February 2, 2009

Time with Extended Family

These rabbits have really turned out to be cool pets. Their fur is so long I don't worry about them freezing outside in their little home, as I'm not a fan of animal's living inside my home. We often let them run around the yard and the boys love feeding them snacks such as celery. They are so cuddly, they love laying in your lap, even on their long as you have a tasty treat in your hand.

Grandpa Bill and Alli. She loves finding a willing soul to read her a story.

The boys with their great grandfather. They also suckered him into reading them a story, and in return they educated him about Star wars toys.


redhott said...

Looks like good times in the Pettett house. You're making me jealous; all alone in Cheney. But I'm glad that Grandpa made it over.

Clover said...

Beware, the rest of the extended family is going to invade in a couple of weeks! Muhahaha