Wednesday, June 24, 2009

High Lights of Our New Home

We have 15ft ceilings! Uggh, I don't want to paint but can't wait to put some color in this room. Big pictures needed! In fact the whole house has white interior walls which is awesome cuz I can not wait to color it beautiful...with my own special touch.

To the left of this picture stands a HUGE maple tree. I'm sure it's birth date was some where around creation. We plan to do some trimming in this backyard to open it up. like taking out this big gravel pit in front of me and laying some grass in it. This yard has some unique shrubbery too. It's awesome to see in person. The backyard is very private, and it feels 5 degrees cooler do to all the shade. The tall trees block the neighbors view from their 2 story homes. Beautiful!

This yard is truly beautiful, just needs a little TLC. I have big plans for it such as lighted walk way, new bark, flowers, wild grass...ahh the list is long but I'm excited! You just have to see some of the landscaping our neighbors have done. Amazing work! I'm glad I'm in the corner of the cul-de-sac hiding till work is done.

The picture above was taken from inside my living room. It is so fantastic! With sights like this, who need TV. These tall large windows take up virtually the whole wall.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weston Casting

Daddy taught him awhile ago how to cast on his own. If it was up to me I would have bought Wes one of those push button reels because I thought they were easier to learn on. Guess that is me underestimating Wes's ability. He does a great job. It's so cute to see Wes's leg kick up each time he casts too.

Fish'n With the Big Boys

This was a snake Wes caught all on his own. I'm not a big fan of snakes, but I think it's so cool Wes is into all the creepy crawly thing of this Earth.
This snake actually took a couple bites of Weston's finger, but that didn't stop him from bringing the snake to me to show off his favorite finding of the day.

Each time Uncle Doug and Wes would catch a fish, Wes would bring it to me to OOOO an AHH over. This little fishy was caught and released back to his home.

Can you see the fish hanging by the hook? ....thank you uncle Doug for a great time fishing!

Packing! and MORE...Packing!

Uggh! I just have to keep positive. We move into our new home next week. I'm so excited, and exhausted all at the same time. James and I drove by our new home this morning. Ahh...I love it! We took a walk up a path right next to the house that leads to a park, a beautiful park. This August I want to throw an open house party. I'll let you know more when that time grows closer.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Spring Concert

...hopefully I will obtain a recording of this concert from one of our friends at church. The boys sang so well, and Timmy Shea looked so cute when he did the action songs. Tomorrow we are off for a weekend of fishing!