This was a snake Wes caught all on his own. I'm not a big fan of snakes, but I think it's so cool Wes is into all the creepy crawly thing of this Earth.

This snake actually took a couple bites of Weston's finger, but that didn't stop him from bringing the snake to me to show off his favorite finding of the day.

Each time Uncle Doug and Wes would catch a fish, Wes would bring it to me to OOOO an AHH over. This little fishy was caught and released back to his home.

Can you see the fish hanging by the hook? ....thank you uncle Doug for a great time fishing!
Oh man, does that boy love creepy-crawly things. I'm glad he actually got to handle a snake this time. James looks like he thinks it's kind of fun too.
Good things they snakes around there are harmless. Just be careful he doesn't see a porcupine, he will probably want to pet it. I am excited to see your new place!
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