Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Packing! and MORE...Packing!

Uggh! I just have to keep positive. We move into our new home next week. I'm so excited, and exhausted all at the same time. James and I drove by our new home this morning. Ahh...I love it! We took a walk up a path right next to the house that leads to a park, a beautiful park. This August I want to throw an open house party. I'll let you know more when that time grows closer.


Laura said...

That's really exciting that you'll have your own home and it's in a great location with parks! :) Hope the packing/unpacking goes smoothly. We'd love to come to your open house!

redhott said...

You know I'm not waiting until August to come see the house. I'm so excited to see it and the more you talk about it the more I want to see it.