Saturday, December 29, 2007
Strep Throat Christmas
Well, I hope that this Christmas was full of warm fuzzies. Mine was. On Sunday night I started to come down with something. My face was warm and flushed. My oldest son just came down with Strep throat a week before, and now my fear of catching the same was becoming reality. The next morning my throat was swollen and temperatures were raising. My loving husband carried me down to the clinic. I was givin some Amoxicillin and wished a Merry Christmas. The doctor didn't charge us a thing for the visit or the meds. Wow Huh! Unfortunately, the meds were not working, in fact they were making things worse. I'll save you the awful details and just tell you that the meds were ceased and I was left to fight on my own. My temp would reach 104.8. James would give me some Tylenol and Advil mix to brake it an stop the awful aches and pains from taking place. It was agony to eat anything...keep it down. I would brake out in these massive night sweats that would literally drench my clothes an pillow. I'm now a whop'n 120 pounds. 5 days in agony. But I tell you, there is healing on the Sabbath day. I got up and made my family breakfast tacos. I'm not fully there yet but I will be by the end of this day. I love and miss you all. Thank-you for checking up on me. And Praise be to God for healling and keeping my husband alive off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Spirit
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Our Table Story


Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Pettett Style

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Growling Baby Bear
Alli talk'n with Daddy. She's now started to growl instead of's quite funny.
Monday, November 19, 2007

We woke up this morning to our grass sprinkled with snow, like powdered sugar on daddy's famous crepes. The boys made a bee line after breakfast just to play in it. It was only 10 seconds after they made it out the door when I heard Timmy screaming, "I'm tell'n mama on you Wes!!" I got up and went to the back door to see what was the matter. When I opened the door there was Timmy with big alligator tears streaming down his face and stomp'n his feet telling me Wes had hit him with a snowball. I looked at Wes and he just had this big "Innocent but guilty" look on his face. I said well Timmy you just need to make a snowball and hit him back. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, Timmy said YA! and ran down the steps to do just that. I looked at Wes and he was excited that he now had Timmy to share in the "friendly" game of snowball fight. Unfortunately Wes had to make snow balls for both him and Timmy. Timmy didn't quite get the whole snowball making method down. But he was happy to do it even if it meant scraping the log for snow before the sun melted it away.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thanksgiv'n here yet!!

"Awe..sweet have no hair, and no teeth, but you are one of the most beautiful things to enter my world" ,Love mama
See what a spoiled brat I am!! I am truly loved. Great kids and a husband who dares to clean those stinky dishes. Who said men aren't useful
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Weston's 5th Birthday

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fall in the Works

Need Prayer
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Cuddle Time

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
More of Ellensberg Camping

Monday, October 1, 2007
Ellensberg Hike