Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day Three, Cape Disappointment Charter Fishing

Knowing my eldest son has a deep love for fishing, I worked extra this summer to give him an early Birthday present. James took Wes charter fishing on the ocean. They had to wake up super early to board the boat at 5:15 am. As soon as that alarm clock went off, I gave Wes a gentle shake, "Do you know what time it is?" He popped up out of bed ready in 30 sec. Wes caught 6 altogether. The boat had 12 people aboard, and the limit is two fish per person. It doesn't matter who pulls them in, once the boat catches 24, the trip is done. The boys brought back 4 beautiful fish. 3 Silvers, and one Chinook.   

The best part! 

Fish on Wes! Look at your pole!

James spent a good part of his morning researching how to use the whole salmon. We got fillets, fish cakes, smoked, fish steaks, and even saving the fish heads for fish head soup. Yum yum! Bet you cant guess what we are having for dinner ;-)

Day Two at Cape Disappointment

This day wasn't so bright an sunny, but that didn't stop us. From our camp, we hiked out onto the North Jetty. Its this long narrow stretch of rocks an sand extending into the ocean. Along the sides there are many fishermen casting and reeling in their live bated hooks waiting to catch the "Big One" That's where we lost Wes. He wanted to watch them all day. James an Tim ventured out a little further then I could with the little ones. At the end of the Jetty, it becomes pretty dangerous with deep pits, sharp rocks, and huge waves. James an Tim saw a sea lion swimming near the Jetty. Tim thought that was pretty cool.

Those cargo ships are huge. Kids enjoyed pointing them out as the fog lifted.

It was nap time for half our crew, so James, Wes and a couple of our friends headed down the beach.

Love this boy. He is so adventurous. Taking in all the elements, using all his senses. Rain or shine, Wes would rather be outside. 

Saw this guy as they headed back to camp.

Day One Continued

The weather was so nice, we headed for the beach. There was a little walking trail that led us to the great little beach with massive rocks to explore, large pieces of drift wood to build forts, and water as far as the eye could see. 

My children. It doesn't matter if the water feels like it just melted off a glacier, they will still play in it. 

There were actually some good waves forming out there. We saw a guy with his paddle board catching the surf, having a great time too. 

The sand was so warm. It was a nice contrast from the frigid water. Ocean sand makes great castles.   

Rowan found a warm puddle of ocean water to play in. 

Weston the mighty castle maker.

James helped Alli dig a deep hole. He then convinced her to get in it. Hehhee, then he buried her once she hopped in. Turkey daddy

I wanted to bury one of my kids. Tim volunteered. He said he felt like he was receiving a spa treatment the sands warmth felt so good.

Weston the Merman. 

There were some moments I wasn't able to capture that I wish I could have. Like when James swooped me up and ran me into the waves.  I was fully dressed, screaming, begging him not to throw me in. It's in those unforgettable moments, as my kids come running towards the water to join us in our play, that I remind myself how awesome life is. Thankful my family is health, happy, and overflowing with joy. 

Cape Disappointment, Day one

I have had a huge craving for some beach adventure with my family. This year, after doing a little research  on cool places to camp on the WA coast, we set up camp at Cape Disappointment. Our neighbors, who have young children of their own, also thought that was a great idea, so they came along for the adventure. 

We arrived Sunday night, and began our exploration early Monday morning. We set foot on a 2 mile hike to one of Cape Disappointment's Light Houses. Didn't take Wes long to notice there were many creatures to pet an hold along the way.

This was a beautiful path. With thick green foliage, and vegetation growing on the trees, it made you feel like you where in the movie Avatar. The trail was well maintained with wooden walkways that hovered above water so you didn't have to swim across. 

The view from the light house.

The weather was beautiful for sight seeing.

So you had to be at least seven to enter into the light house. James took the kids up, since I'm not one for heights, and Rowan needed someone to keep him company. 

Saw this guy looking for some lunch by our camp.