Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day Two at Cape Disappointment

This day wasn't so bright an sunny, but that didn't stop us. From our camp, we hiked out onto the North Jetty. Its this long narrow stretch of rocks an sand extending into the ocean. Along the sides there are many fishermen casting and reeling in their live bated hooks waiting to catch the "Big One" That's where we lost Wes. He wanted to watch them all day. James an Tim ventured out a little further then I could with the little ones. At the end of the Jetty, it becomes pretty dangerous with deep pits, sharp rocks, and huge waves. James an Tim saw a sea lion swimming near the Jetty. Tim thought that was pretty cool.

Those cargo ships are huge. Kids enjoyed pointing them out as the fog lifted.

It was nap time for half our crew, so James, Wes and a couple of our friends headed down the beach.

Love this boy. He is so adventurous. Taking in all the elements, using all his senses. Rain or shine, Wes would rather be outside. 

Saw this guy as they headed back to camp.

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