Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day Three, Cape Disappointment Charter Fishing

Knowing my eldest son has a deep love for fishing, I worked extra this summer to give him an early Birthday present. James took Wes charter fishing on the ocean. They had to wake up super early to board the boat at 5:15 am. As soon as that alarm clock went off, I gave Wes a gentle shake, "Do you know what time it is?" He popped up out of bed ready in 30 sec. Wes caught 6 altogether. The boat had 12 people aboard, and the limit is two fish per person. It doesn't matter who pulls them in, once the boat catches 24, the trip is done. The boys brought back 4 beautiful fish. 3 Silvers, and one Chinook.   

The best part! 

Fish on Wes! Look at your pole!

James spent a good part of his morning researching how to use the whole salmon. We got fillets, fish cakes, smoked, fish steaks, and even saving the fish heads for fish head soup. Yum yum! Bet you cant guess what we are having for dinner ;-)

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