Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cape Disappointment, Day one

I have had a huge craving for some beach adventure with my family. This year, after doing a little research  on cool places to camp on the WA coast, we set up camp at Cape Disappointment. Our neighbors, who have young children of their own, also thought that was a great idea, so they came along for the adventure. 

We arrived Sunday night, and began our exploration early Monday morning. We set foot on a 2 mile hike to one of Cape Disappointment's Light Houses. Didn't take Wes long to notice there were many creatures to pet an hold along the way.

This was a beautiful path. With thick green foliage, and vegetation growing on the trees, it made you feel like you where in the movie Avatar. The trail was well maintained with wooden walkways that hovered above water so you didn't have to swim across. 

The view from the light house.

The weather was beautiful for sight seeing.

So you had to be at least seven to enter into the light house. James took the kids up, since I'm not one for heights, and Rowan needed someone to keep him company. 

Saw this guy looking for some lunch by our camp.

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